Now that the hot dog days of summer are moving behind us, its time to get back outside away from our air conditioned zones.  If you are like me, the humidity can be too much to take some days.  But alas, the cooler weather is upon us and it is time to get back to those outdoor projects.

The outside of your home is the first thing potential buyers see and it need to look as good as the inside.  Getting rid of the spiders, moths, cobwebs and such from the siding, door and window frames is a good start.  A pressure washer works wonders, but a simple dry broom will work just as well.  

Don’t forget those flower beds as well.  pull out any dead or wilted plants.  You can replace the summer plants and add a burst of color with a few potted mums.  These plants are fairly in expensive, they can be purchased at local nurseries and even grocery stores. 

So get outside everyone, whether you are thinking of selling your home or not.  Let’s enjoy this break and hopefully the end of the humidity and start some outdoor fall cleaning.